Recent Security Class Actions

Rent the Runway Inc. Class A Common Stock (NASDAQ: RENT)

Company Name:Rent the Runway Inc. Class A Common Stock
Stock Symbol:NASDAQ: RENT
Class Period Start:10/27/2021
Class Period End (inclusive):11/14/2022
Filing Deadline:01/13/2023

The alleged false and misleading statements and omissions include, but are not limited to, that at the time of the IPO: (i) the Company was continuing to face extraordinary business challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, such as transportation headwinds and labor wage rate increases; (ii) active subscriber enrollments had sharply decelerated from the growth trajectory represented; (iii) the Company needed to substantially increase marketing and advertising costs from historical figures in order to attempt to grow its active subscriber network; (iv) the Company was suffering from ballooning fulfillment and transportation costs; and (v) as a result of the foregoing, the Company was suffering accelerating operational losses and was far less likely to achieve profitability in the near term.