Recent Security Class Actions

agilon health inc. Common Stock (NYSE: AGL)

Company Name:agilon health inc. Common Stock
Stock Symbol:NYSE: AGL
Class Period Start:11/04/2022
Class Period End (inclusive):01/04/2024
Filing Deadline:05/20/2024

The Complaint alleges that throughout the Class Period, Defendants misled investors about agilon’s medical costs by: (1) touting the Company’s purported visibility into utilization trends and medical costs; (2) failing to disclose increased medical costs that agilon had incurred prior to and during the Class Period due to higher utilization of healthcare by MA patients; (3) falsely stating that its IBNR Reserve was adequate; (4) making false and misleading statements about the effectiveness of its business model; (5) issuing overly optimistic financial guidance; and (6) issuing risk disclosures that were materially false and misleading because they characterized adverse facts that had already materialized as mere possibilities.